Libro del Banco Mundial sobre las NTMs, 2012
Trabajo elaborado por el ITC, WTO, y WB, con datos de UNCTAD que describe y clasifica las Medidas no arancelaricas (Non-Tariff Barriers, NTBs)
International classification of non-tariff measures
A Sanitary and phytosanitary measures
B Technical barriers to trade
C Pre-shipment inspection and other formalities
D Price control measures
E Licences, quotas, prohibitions and other quantity
control measures
F Charges, taxes and other para-tariff measures
G Finance measures
H Anti-competitive measures
I Trade-related investment measures
J Distribution restrictions
K Restrictions on post-sales services
L Subsidies (excluding export subsidies)
M Government procurement restrictions
N Intellectual property
O Rules of origin
P Export related measures
Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) (2010)
ITC list of procedural obstacles
A Administrative burdens
B Information/transparency issues
C Inconsistent or discriminatory behaviour of officials
D Time constraints
E Payment
F Infrastructural challenges
G Security
H Legal constraints
I Other
Source: International Trade Centre (ITC) (2011).